216 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Genghis Jhon


Thu 3rd Mar 07:30
War of the Titans rated  Bad
I like the layout, but I can't emphasize enough how much I hate, hate, hate the way the individual countries almost go invisible when they're fogged.
#8 of 8
Fri 7th May 07:46
House of Fog rated  Good
Is it intended that the candles NOT provide view to the squares that are actually adjacent to them? That seems odd...
#7 of 8
Fri 26th Feb 07:11
Castlevania rated  Good
I'm in a game on this right now, and the first thing I noticed was that the +8 that's on the board image for Dr Frankenstein's Lab is incorrect. It's actually a bonus of only 3. That said it looks good otherwise, so far. I checked the other bonus listings, and they're all correct. Guessing this was changed in a version update, and for some reason the image wasn't updated.
#6 of 8
Wed 25th Sep 07:20
Colossal Crusade rated  Perfect
My favorite Wargear bosrd! Thanks much.
#5 of 8
Wed 25th Sep 07:18
Crystal Caves rated  Great
Just noticed what looks like a bug in the board, but not sure where to post it. You can fortify from the Blue Castle to one of the Pink Gems. It's a great map, despite the fact that I've done poorly on it every game I've played, except the current one.
#4 of 8
Sun 13th Feb 18:17
Koprulu Sector rated  Superb
One of my favorites!
#3 of 8
Sun 13th Feb 18:16
Koprulu Yamato rated  Superb
I'm on the bandwagon!
#2 of 8
Wed 27th Oct 17:30
Medieval Europe rated  Good
Cool board! Nicely done.
#1 of 8